Saturday, 18 February 2017

Where's the instruction manual?!?!

Helllo ladies,

 I know, I know, I'm a day late posting... Sebastian had a really rough evening/night so many of you mummy's can relate I'm sure! When the doctor confirmed my pregnancy, they failed to tell me how difficult and confusing (yet rewarding) being a parent would be. Before having my boy, I had limited interactions with infants and virtually no experience with newborns.

How I look most days... winging it

Pretty much my only experience with babies came when I was a nanny to a then 11 month old, for 5 months. That was an incredible time in my life & he was so much fun. HOWEVER, as much as I thought it prepared me for motherhood (naive I know), I quickly realised that I knew NOTHING about how to parent... 

Let's rewind to January 2016, found out I was expecting and through the next nine months, doctors would ask questions that affected not only myself but this little unborn baby. So google, pinterest, and books became my best (and worst) friends as there are so many different opinions on what to do & what not to do. Almost too much information, maybe. After he was born thats when I realised I had just walked into the biggest exam of my life that I hadn't prepared for at all. The first night he was on earth, he spent it in the NICU and after that he was allowed with me and it seemed like no matter what I did, I couldn't get him to stop crying; so then I started crying, and thank goodness Joe (my boyfriend) was there to help, and help he did. He was the only one that night that was able to get the baby to sleep. 

After that night & the first night home, I feel like I was a bit more comfortable everyday. Except, everyday it seems like some sort of curveball is thrown and I don't know what to do with it.. LADIES, please tell me I'm not alone on this one

Not only do I feel like I don't know what I'm doing 3/4 of the time, it seems like every corner I turn someone has an opinion or judgement that they like to sneak in.

Or if it's not about how you're parenting, its about your weight. Either (and this is something that ACTUALLY happened, in a shopping centre.. by a random stranger ) "oh he's "x" number of months old, you still have quite the mom pooch" EXCUSE ME LADY, go fly a kite. OR it's the opposite, "oh hey girl, you look so good" like no, you're lying and making me uncomfortable. I know I haven't lost my baby weight so don't lie to me haha.

Thank goodness he makes it all worthwhile!

Now if anyone has found where they put the instruction manual to tell you how to do things right and make them happy ALL the time (wishful thinking) let me know ;)

Have any of you experienced any of these feelings?! Comment below, I'd love to hear from you

xx- Carly

1 comment:

  1. You are doing a great job aas a mom. He is usually a good natured baby. Right now it is the teeth and remember no matter how young they like to test you. As far as the takes 9months to get that way and as my dr told me years ago it will take 9 montjs to get back in shape..not the shape of a girl but of a woman
