Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Baby Momma Bod... & two of my favourite breakfast recipes!

Good Evening Friends,

 So tonight I want to get real about a serious matter, mom bod... So I had my son 4 (almost 5) months ago and the struggle to get used to my "new" body has been very real. I've been uncomfortable and just hate how I look. I know, i know, it took 9 months to grow my precious little human being so i'm not going to go back to "normal" in a split second but holy moly when they say your body is changed forever after you have a baby they aren't kidding! Now on a serious note, I have made some leaps and bounds with my mindset and I am starting a new eating and workout regime this week, so YAY me!

I feel that society has made women feel the need to "snap" back to their pre-pregnancy weight (or smaller) within days because thats what the "stars" do, but in reality what your body has just done in the nine-isn months prior is quite magical. It's causing so much extra stress on women and personally I feel like it could be a contributing factor to post part depression. Good for all you women that can lose all the weight quick, you are amazing and look great too. But good for all of us that haven't lost the weight, or did and then gained some back. WHO CARES?! Stop body shaming and start loving, there's enough hate and judgement in the world, we don't need to be judgemental towards our bodies as well (or others for that matter).

Now, I will say I was doing good for the first month and a half after Sebastian was born (not with exercising per say) but I had dropped 30 pounds pretty quick and then he was hospitalised for a week and I basically said *f* it and started eating crap, since I didn't leave the hospital. I ate cafeteria food or had take out brought to me every night and from that point on it spiralled. Of course, then we come into December and the holidays, so we all know what happened next haha. I decided in early January that I needed a change, I didn't want to be the mom that sat on the beach with their kids and was too embarrassed to play in the water and all that jazz. I don't want to be lethargic anymore, I want to be able to keep up with my son and play all day with him as much as he wants without needing to say "mommy needs a break". I didn't want to put too much pressure on how much weight I want to lose or what size clothes I want to wear, but I have set some pretty high goals for myself. I'll share my progress once a month, not only to keep myself accountable but to show with a bit of determination and a lot of hard work, anything is possible.

Now before we get into food (because lets be honest, that's why you're here anyway haha) Here are pretty much all the pictures that I have of the little man and myself haha (besides crazy snapchats)

Sebastian and I at Dad's football game

Christmas Eve with the little man

Our first family vacation to visit Gruncle & Ninny in Ottawa

Seb and I at the airport waiting to go home :(

Playing on the floor together, he's obviously not having as much fun as me

So for the food part of this post, I'm going to give you one relatively healthy breakfast recipe and I'll show you a picture of a restaurant breakfast (one that I'll soon be giving up)

Healthy choices first!!!

Apparently I didn't take a picture of my go to breakfast, blasphemy, BUT let me talk all about it.
 - So typically for breakfast I have a piece of sesame ezekiel bread (which I find in the natural section of the Superstore) topped with avocado and a fried egg (always bought from Pete's frootique in the Saint John City Market, I'll do a post about jealous) and some Frank's red hot sauce YUMM

NOW, for my not so healthy, but super delicious, indulging breaking.

 -This is a (modified) breakfast poutine from Cask & Kettle , a local gastropub that has amazing food, great service and even better drinks! Basically this is (from bottom to top) home fries, cheese curds, maple braised pork belly, sriracha aioli, egg, hollandaise and onion frites... RIGHT!!!! 
I don't even want to think about how many calories would be consumed if you ate the entire plate, but it is oh so good, especially paired with a caesar. What more could you ask for?!

That's all from me tonight beautiful ladies, I'll see you tomorrow when I show you Sebastian's outfit of the day!

xox - Carly

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