Saturday, 18 February 2017

Where's the instruction manual?!?!

Helllo ladies,

 I know, I know, I'm a day late posting... Sebastian had a really rough evening/night so many of you mummy's can relate I'm sure! When the doctor confirmed my pregnancy, they failed to tell me how difficult and confusing (yet rewarding) being a parent would be. Before having my boy, I had limited interactions with infants and virtually no experience with newborns.

How I look most days... winging it

Pretty much my only experience with babies came when I was a nanny to a then 11 month old, for 5 months. That was an incredible time in my life & he was so much fun. HOWEVER, as much as I thought it prepared me for motherhood (naive I know), I quickly realised that I knew NOTHING about how to parent... 

Let's rewind to January 2016, found out I was expecting and through the next nine months, doctors would ask questions that affected not only myself but this little unborn baby. So google, pinterest, and books became my best (and worst) friends as there are so many different opinions on what to do & what not to do. Almost too much information, maybe. After he was born thats when I realised I had just walked into the biggest exam of my life that I hadn't prepared for at all. The first night he was on earth, he spent it in the NICU and after that he was allowed with me and it seemed like no matter what I did, I couldn't get him to stop crying; so then I started crying, and thank goodness Joe (my boyfriend) was there to help, and help he did. He was the only one that night that was able to get the baby to sleep. 

After that night & the first night home, I feel like I was a bit more comfortable everyday. Except, everyday it seems like some sort of curveball is thrown and I don't know what to do with it.. LADIES, please tell me I'm not alone on this one

Not only do I feel like I don't know what I'm doing 3/4 of the time, it seems like every corner I turn someone has an opinion or judgement that they like to sneak in.

Or if it's not about how you're parenting, its about your weight. Either (and this is something that ACTUALLY happened, in a shopping centre.. by a random stranger ) "oh he's "x" number of months old, you still have quite the mom pooch" EXCUSE ME LADY, go fly a kite. OR it's the opposite, "oh hey girl, you look so good" like no, you're lying and making me uncomfortable. I know I haven't lost my baby weight so don't lie to me haha.

Thank goodness he makes it all worthwhile!

Now if anyone has found where they put the instruction manual to tell you how to do things right and make them happy ALL the time (wishful thinking) let me know ;)

Have any of you experienced any of these feelings?! Comment below, I'd love to hear from you

xx- Carly

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Baby OOTD - Thursday

Baby OOTD for Toronto Maple Leafs
Hello everyone!!!

Hope you're having a great (snow) day! We got pounded with too much snow again this week, it'll be interesting to see some numbers. 

Today, Sebastian started out in this Toronto Maple Leafs shirt and pants from Carters. I wasn't a huge fan of the outtfit, but hey, it made Dad happy (haha). It didn't last long, as he has pretty severe reflux and got sick (multiple times) all over himself so now he's just rocking a cute little polo and his diaper for now. 

Hope you all are staying nice, warm & not full of snow!

xoxo - Carly 

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Baby Momma Bod... & two of my favourite breakfast recipes!

Good Evening Friends,

 So tonight I want to get real about a serious matter, mom bod... So I had my son 4 (almost 5) months ago and the struggle to get used to my "new" body has been very real. I've been uncomfortable and just hate how I look. I know, i know, it took 9 months to grow my precious little human being so i'm not going to go back to "normal" in a split second but holy moly when they say your body is changed forever after you have a baby they aren't kidding! Now on a serious note, I have made some leaps and bounds with my mindset and I am starting a new eating and workout regime this week, so YAY me!

Baby Outfit Of The Day!!!

Hey Guys,

So i know I'm late getting this up (Sorry) but here it is. Every Tuesday and Thursday I'll feature my little guy & his outfits!!!
tommy Hilfiger and three babies

 This picture is of my cousin Ashley's two little guys, Eli & Charles, with Sebastian. They're all wearing matching Tommy Hilfiger tops that Linda (A Labour of Life ) got them from a Tommy  store in Ottawa this past January! They look pretty cute, if I do say so myself..

Stay tuned for tonight, when I'm going to talk about getting back into exercise and share with you 2 of my favourite healthy recipes!!!

xox - Carly

Take Me Away Monday - Merida, Mexico

Hello lovelies,

Today we are snowed in, with drifts over 7 feet at our back door, so I'm going to take a trip down memory lane and talk to you guys about my ten week (semester) in Merida, Mexico. This will be a 10 week "series", so every week I'll cover what happened during that week. Keep in mind, this was back in 2010 so I'm sure things have changed a bit!

Sebastian's First Outfit Post

beach patrol baby ootd

 Good Morning World, my name is Sebastian but you can call me Seb or even Sea Bass if you like.  I am about the sunniest little guy you ever will meet and I just may have inherited my aunt's clothing obsession and quite possibly her love of all things sunny and beachy.

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Welcome to Planet CarlyTron

Hey Guys,

So since my goal is to cover a variety different aspects of life I thought it would be best to create a schedule to let you all know what days I'll be posting about what topics. All posts will be posted in the evenings.
Carlys world

About Me

Hey guys

    Welcome to my world! First, let me introduce myself, my name is Carly & I'm from a great little city (Saint John) on the east coast of Canada. I'm 27 years old & I'm here to share my adventures of life as a new mom, past and future travel endeavours and my journey of becoming a fit, healthy parent!!! 

selfie action